What Do Lemurs Eat?
What Do Animals Eat

What Do Lemurs Eat? Discover New Surprises

Lemurs are an exotic species that has long captured the imagination of many, prompting us to ask questions like “What do lemurs eat?” The answer to this reveals a wide array of intriguing habits and behaviors that make this mammalian species worthy of our fascination.

From the tiny mouse lemur to the majestic ring-tailed lemur, these arboreal primates have adapted to many different habitats in their natural range. In the rainforest, they consume a variety of fruits, flowers, insects, and other animal sources. In captivity, their diets often include commercial primate pellets as well as fresh fruits and vegetables.

In this article, I’ll be exploring the fascinating dietary habits of lemurs and discussing what they need to thrive in a safe home environment or when you visit them in the wild. You just might learn something new about one of your favorite animals.

Overview For You: What Do Lemurs Eat?

As an ornithologist, I’m often asked what do lemurs eat? Lemurs are a type of small primate native to Madagascar. While the term “lemur” does not refer to a single species, the diets of the various species of lemur follow the same general categories: plant and animal material.

The most well-known lemur is the ring-tailed lemur. These omnivores eat principally fruit, leaves, and flowers while at times supplementing their diet with insects and occasionally even eggs. This is typical for many of Madagascar’s endemic species.

Other lemur species may prefer alternative diets including fruit, insects, or sap, while larger species are mostly herbivores and don’t include meat as part of their diet. For example, in the wild, ruffed lemurs are more frugivorous than their ring-tailed cousins; they primarily feed on fruit supplemented by some nectar and flowers.

Lastly due to other anthropogenic causes such as habitat destruction or over exploitation by humans, many species have had to adapt to different sources of food that may include anything from pesticides to garbage to pet food left out in cities or towns.

Do Lemurs Eat Bugs?

I’m also often asked are lemurs eat bugs?, and the answer is yes! In addition to fruit, leaves, flowers and nectar, they also eat insects. Insects are a source of protein that is more common in Madagascar than other parts of the world. Lemurs have been known to eat spiders and other small birds when plant food is scarce.

Most species of lemurs tend to stick mainly to eating plants, with the occasional insect here and there. But, those times when insects are available can be critical for survival in times of drought or periods of extreme temperatures. In addition, some species of mouse lemurs have been known to consume flowers in captivity as well as small invertebrates.

So while, generally speaking lemurs’ diets are mostly plant based; they will reluctantly supplement their meals with insects when necessary.

How Much Food Do Lemurs Eat Per Day?

As small nocturnal lemurs, they consume around one tablespoon of food per day. It is important to note however, that different species have distinctly varied dietary needs and habits. For example, ring-tailed lemurs are herbivores, eating principally fruit, leaves and flowers whereas adult bamboo lemurs partake of up to 18 ounces per day. In addition, mouse lemurs in captivity tend to feed on fruits, vegetables, crickets and flowers.

In the wild red ruffed lemurs generally feast on ripe fruits, tree gums and insects such as grasshoppers for protein. While black and white ruffed lemurs feed primarily on young leaves and fruits supplemented by flowers. As for the Sunda Flying Lemur – also known as Colugos – they have a diet consisting of exclusively leaves from certain types of trees in tropical forests.

Therefore, when attempting to answer the question ‘what do lemurs eat’ it is important to consider the specific species involved as their dietary habits can greatly differ depending on which type of lemur we are talking about.

What Do Ringtailed Lemurs Eat?

As an omnivorous species, Ring-tailed lemurs have a wide variety of dietary preferences. They mainly consume fruit, leaves, and flowers. They will also supplement their nutrition with insects, eggs, roots and even small vertebrates if necessary. Furthermore, during the dry season when fruit is not available in abundance they may eat more meat than usual to fulfill their water requirements.

When it comes to food sources in the wild, Ring-tailed lemurs are selective about what they choose to eat. They usually feed on the most nutritious food sources that are available in abundance at any given time of the year; for example, fruits in the wet season and bark or leaves during the dry season. This behavior ensures that they’re getting as many nutrients as possible from whatever is available in the environment.

Residing in a tropical rainforest environment for almost all of their lives minimizes their need for drinking water; instead, they obtain enough hydration from the foods they consume. In captivity however, water should be provided to them so that they can stay hydrated and healthy.

What Do Red Ruffed Lemurs Eat?

The diet of the red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra) is similar to that of other species. The primary component of their diet is fruit, which can make up to 95% of the diet. They supplement this with nectar, pollen, leaves and seeds.

When foraging for food, red ruffed lemurs will sometimes form large foraging groups. This behavior is known as ‘fission-fusion’, where individuals move in and out of a larger group. They have also been observed using their snouts to sniff out ripe fruit – they can be quite particular about the perfect piece.

In captivity, these primates enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables as well as high-fiber biscuits and other treats. While their diets are generally supplemented with protein sources in captivity, such as insects and eggs, there is limited evidence to suggest they consume any substantial protein sources in the wild.

In addition to fruit, red ruffed lemurs have been observed drinking sap from trees – including from coconut palms – an unusual behavior among primates! The same goes for mouse lemurs (Microcebus Murinus), which have been observed in captivity consuming flowers as part of their diet. Knowing what do lemurs eat provides us insight into these unique primate species – discovering new surprises each day.

What Do Sunda Flying Lemurs Eat in the Wild?

The Sunda flying lemur is a strictly herbivorous creature native to Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Its diet consists mostly of leaves from the trees and plants of its home range, as well as buds, shoots, coconut flowers, durian flowers, fruits and sap. Occasionally it also feeds on insects and rotting wood.

Unlike most other lemur species which are erithopithecus––crawling lemurs––the Sunda flying lemur is an arboreal species that jumps from tree to tree using its patagium or skin membrane stretched between its limbs. This adaptation makes it the only gliding animal in Southeast Asia, thus allowing them to reach food sources at different heights that would otherwise be inaccessible.

Sunda flying lemurs are most active during dusk and dawn when they are most likely to search for food in trees and bushes. Their diet consists mainly of leaves as they provide ample nutrition such as vitamins A and C, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals like calcium. To complement an exclusively plant-based diet they also feed on buds, shoots, coconut flowers, durian flowers, fruits and sap.


Many people want to know what do lemurs eat and how their eating habits differ between species.

Ring-tailed lemurs are mainly herbivores: they primarily eat fruit, leaves, and flowers, but they will also consume some insects, small birds, and reptiles.

When it comes to other species of lemur, such as red-ruffed, black-and-white ruffed, mouse and sunda flying lemurs – they principally subsist on fruit, leaves, flowers, nectar and different types of insects. Insects form a large part of a lemur’s diet during certain times of the year when fruits are scarce in their natural environment.

In captivity, mouse lemurs will also eat flowers in addition to their usual diet of insects.

To conclude – while many people might assume that lemurs exclusively eat fruit before learning more about these fascinating creatures – it’s clear that the majority of them have a varied diet; supplementing their regular nutrition with different types of vegetation and sometimes smaller animals like birds and reptiles.


Throughout our research and explorations we discovered that lemurs are very diverse eaters, with their diets varying depending on the species. Ringtailed and red-ruffed lemurs show the most diversity in their diets, eating fruits, leaves, nuts, insects, and even small animals. Mouse lemurs, on the other hand, are strict insectivores and their diet is mostly comprised of insects. Sunda flying lemurs have an exclusive diet of soft, sweet fruits and leaves.

Overall, lemurs are incredibly fascinating creatures and further research is needed to understand the different diets of all lemur species. Understanding what lemurs eat can help us better protect these animals, as well as improve our knowledge of the functioning of rainforest ecosystems.

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